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Kundalini Yoga holds the power to transform

We have been in the transition from the Piscean Age to the Aquarian Age for the last 50 years.  Aquarian Age is the age of wisdom, knowledge and information.  For the next 2000 Years we will be in the Aquarian Age.   During this age, the focus is no longer on our identity and existence, but…

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Yoga goes Mainstream

Due to the undeniable positive results of practicing Yoga, this 5000-year-old holistic practice has become mainstream with close to 23 million practitioners in US alone. Of the current non-practitioners, 44.4 percent call themselves “aspirational yogis”—people who are interested in trying yoga.  30% of practitioners are males. Yoga is no longer just for the fit and…

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Overcoming Fear

My last article addressed the issue of love and fear.  It is my hope that it helped us separate when we operate out of love and when we operate out of fear.  It is not fun or comfortable being in fear and it is definitely not easy to overcome it.  This article will address how…

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For the Love of Life

I like to believe that we all have been touched by love at some point in our lives, because it is as basic a need as having air to breathe. Obviously, I am talking about more than the romantic love, which is fixated or directed at one particular person.  If we have ever loved deeply,…

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In The Meantime

What sustains us when everything around us falls apart? What do we hold on to when everything we were holding on to just slips away and vanishes? At one point or another in our lives, we all have been devastated by divorce, death or an illness.  The time in between now and until we make…

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Simple Steps to Health & Happiness in 2014.

Happy New Year!  How wonderful to have another opportunity to wipe the slate clean and start all over.  There is a certain excitement, a readiness amongst people that is inspiring and uplifting.  We are reminded again of our dreams and desires and our fire is lit.  Regardless of what we name our resolutions, they all…

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Taking confusion out of Nutrition

We live in a world of countless choices and an overflow of information and nutrition is no exception.  Between the plethora of diets and a new miracle food of the week, it is no wonder that we are more confused than ever.   While it is wise to eat organic, non-GMO and unprocessed foods, our ability…

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Ponderings for 2013

  Fulfillment/satisfaction is an inner experience. It does not come from multitasking and balancing everything in our lives; it comes from pouring ourselves deeply into our passionate pursuit in life. Life is not a zero sum game.  When we take time away from family or work for our-self, our family/work will be enriched by the…

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Understanding Anxiety

Do you or someone you know experiences anxiety?  Studies show that one in every 3 individuals (kids included) experience anxiety at one point or another in their lives.  More often than not, it is accompanied by panic attacks, depression or other nervous system disorders.  Occasionally experiencing anxiety is not the problem, only when it becomes…

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Step into spring with energy and vitality

Are you ready for spring?  Just the anticipation of spring stirs us into activity; we want to freshen up our homes, clean out the garage and get rid of the old stuff. What about our internal environment?  Imagine stepping into spring feeling lighter, energetic, vital and vibrant? What would it feel like to be in…

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