Privacy Policy

The privacy policy for this website is simple and straightforward:

I will not, under any circumstances whatsoever, give out or sell your information (including name and email address) to anyone.

The only exception, and this is in every privacy policy I've ever seen, is this:

In rare circumstances, I may be required by subpoena or other legal action to grant access to someone's information that I have, in the process of an investigation.

I will never send you an email unless it is related to a service you purchased with me, or unless it is a resource or recommendation that I feel is of genuine service to my audience.  At the bottom of each mass email you receive from me, there is an Unsubscribe link that will remove you from my list instantly.

Thank you..

Refund Policy

Individual Program:   No refunds are available on individual programs.

Group Programs:  No refunds are available for any group workshops after the start date.  You may get the refund if you cancel 72 hrs. prior to the workshop minus the processing cost of 35%

Membership Programs:  No refund is available for any membership programs.