
cookbook cover

What is Holistic Health

January 19, 2024

What is Holistic Health? Holistic health understands that the physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and energetic aspects of human beings is interconnected and that the being is a multidimensional living organism.  It understands the physical body is a mere mirror of the nonphysical body.  Our thoughts, beliefs, feelings, experiences, past energies are all a part of…

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The Healing Community

May 2, 2022

I Dream of a Different World A famous quote from prosperity expert Napoleon Hill says, “What the mind of man can conceive and believe, the mind of man can achieve.” The point is that all changes begin with a thought or a dream. In that sense, no dreams are too lofty! As I come close to finishing this book,…

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My Path to Ayurveda

June 22, 2021

I hold the belief that each being is a hero in their own life overcoming adversity, day to day challenges and conflicts invisible and unknown to the outside world. Whether we are able to rise above our circumstances or not, to endure the experiences of our soul’s journey is no small feat. Not all accomplishments…

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Breathing Meditation and Anger

July 7, 2020

You will learn how to do the Fire breath.  Anger seemed like the appropriate topic to bring in.  Listen Here

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A Shift in Perspective

April 10, 2018

Feeling rather annoyed and perplexed at another snow fall this morning, I stepped out of the house for a meeting.  Am I supposed to shoved again?  I am not shoveling!  it better melt soon. As I drove, I could not help but smile and be in awe of how beautiful and ethereal everything looked.  The…

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Balance and Center of Gravity

January 10, 2018

Today’s Class, Wed. 9:30am class focused on Working with Gravity for balance! The need to balance becomes very apparent as we get older.  We hear stories of older people falling, breaking a hip, others complaining that they don’t have balance when they are walking or moving around.  Here are my tips for better balance: Gravity…

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The Yoga Path

September 5, 2017

Many wonderful Yoga studios with the group classes continue to draw more and more people into the practice.  From kids to seniors and men attending Yoga, we are shattering the myth that Yoga is only for the young and fit.  We are hearing the message everywhere that Yoga is for everybody and indeed it is!…

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More on Yoga and Ayurveda

July 23, 2017

A lot is happening in the world of Yoga and health! If we weren’t convinced before on the benefits of Yoga and why it really should be a part of everyone’s life, we sure are now.  There are countless inspiring stories and examples of how Yoga has helped people totally turn their life around and…

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Is Yoga a Religion!

December 16, 2016

Recently, a couple of my fellow Yoga teachers were asked to teach Yoga in a school but asked to not call it Yoga. Obviously, some parents are concerned that their kids might be learning some religious rituals, so not to upset the parents, teachers opt out of bringing Yoga into the school system. Is Yoga…

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meena yoga

Yoga – more than skin deep

August 28, 2016

Originated in India some 6000 years ago, this ancient practice of Self-realization and transformation has become a much needed practice of the modern times. The undeniable health benefits of this practice are what draws about 20 million people in the US who have made Yoga a regular part of their health regime. The practice and…

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