
New Year's Diet Resolutions don't work!

December 30, 2018

We must heal our relationship with food first! Every New Year, most of us resolve to better our health,  and better diet is at the top of those resolutions.  Everyone claims to have the perfect diet for you!  Bombarded with the enticing ads, their promises and compelling testimonials, we resolve to buy into at least…

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Emotional Hunger – Book Blog

November 13, 2018

Tune into Your Childhood Beliefs Were you always asked to finish all the food on your plate? Was food in abundance or barely enough? Were you rewarded for good behavior with ice-cream or pizza? Were you sent to bed hungry as a punishment? Or given cookies when you were feeling sad? Perhaps some of your…

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Guilt and Shame

November 5, 2018

Shame and guilt are the mental constructs of the mind to help us fit into the societal mold of what’s right and wrong. These are merely our defense mechanisms, established to bridge the gap between what we want and what we think we should want. In this complex structure of feelings, the truth of what…

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Nutrition: Then & Now

October 30, 2018

I had never heard of processed food while I was growing up. I left India in my teen years to study in Toronto. While going to school in Toronto, it never occurred to me to look at the list of ingredients in the food I bought. The idea that there would be something else in…

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Healing your Relationship with Food

October 15, 2018

In working with clients in my clinical practice, I’ve realized two things. First, that in trying to keep up with the newest miracle food or diet, people are often missing out on enjoying their food. And, second, that the overflow of information about food that people are facing is actually getting in the way of…

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5 keys to Uncover the Healing Process

June 28, 2018

One of the questions I ask all my clients at some point during the consultation is why do you think you are having the health issues that you are having.  This makes them think beyond the symptoms and the connection of the symptoms to their life story begins to emerge;  not only that they begin…

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You can heal from anything and overcome the blocks that show up in the process!

June 28, 2018

Healing is about a deeper connection with our truth and who we are at the very corn of our existence.  It is the subtlest yet the most powerful part of our being that holds the power to heal.  Healing is not just about physical health, it is a harmonious existence of our inner and outer…

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A Shift in Perspective

April 10, 2018

  Feeling rather annoyed and perplexed at another snow fall this morning, I stepped out of the house for a meeting.  Am I supposed to shoved again?  I am not shoveling!  it better melt soon. As I drove, I could not help but smile and be in awe of how beautiful and ethereal everything looked. …

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My 5 Insights on Chakras and Meditations

March 12, 2018

One thing is clear!  No matter how much you think you know, there is always more!  This is what I have been intrigued with lately and working with. One of the obstacles or “lack of clarity”  in any area of our life is because this stuff is very subtle yet the discovery can be no…

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Ayurvedic Food/Nutrition Principles

September 25, 2017

Ayurvedic Medicine is the mother of all natural medicine.  It is over 5000 years old wisdom that is cognized by enlightened beings who understood how human body works and how life works.  Food has been used to heal, to prevent disease and to promote good health and longevity.  There is no system of medicine that…

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