The Need of our Times

To say that we are going through a very tumuluous time would be an understatement.

Changes are happening all around us and within us.

There is the pull from the past and a yearning for the future.  How do we navigate?

Need for deeper inner work, need to heal the past trauma in order to embrace the bright future.

We have information overload, yet are starved for wisdom that can transform our health and our life.

Our greatest need is clarity, simplicity and direction.

And this is where the ancient wisdom teachings of Ayurveda answer the call.

A reservoir of practical wisdom and tools that will remind us what we have forgotten and are the way to get where we want to get.

You get my expert guidance (over 30 years of practice in health and healing) practical tools that you can easily implement in your life.

My Why?

I am driven to serve humanity at large.  I believe the ancient wisdom has all the answers to our modern day struggles.  It's my visiion to have this wisdom be lived in every household to eradicate all suffering.

We gather in communities, we share, we support, we heal.  Let's do this!

Are you driven to do the same?  Join today!  Scroll down and join!

This is an on-going program.  We open the doors every month for a few days to welcome new members. 

We don't heal in isolation.  We need inspiratiion. When we view ourselves as an integrated being, we can find the missing links that bring clarity and direction to our healing and our path.

Ayurveda is vast;  Each session will have a focus plus the energetic pulse of our present times and what you bring in with you provides all I need to guide you exactly where you need it.

With a sense of Community, Compassion and Consciousness, there is nothing we can't resolve and heal.

Join today! Your Healing Community is waiting!

What Does Your Health Look Like in 10 Years? 20 Years?

We limit our future planning to how much money we will need, the places we would go to, the things we would buy and the conveniences we will have.  We take our health for granted even when we see illness all around us; we simple neglect to plan for our health.

Without our health to enjoy everything we are planning, we are actually left with nothing.  Health is true Wealth!!!

Consider the hidden cost of staying sick

Opportunities missed, life fully lives, aspirations wasted, dreams forgotten!

Miracle of a Single Step

What if a single step taken today turns out to be the most important step that you took for your health?

That single step is to book a free consultation with me. Follow the steps below and you are already on your way to securing your future health.

  1. I have set aside 4 spots for complimentary consultations per week (30 minutes) on Thursdays 3:30-5:30pm EST. I encourage you to schedule during this time.  If you need another time slot, then schedule during other open slots.
  2. Add your appt. to your calendar as I don't send a reminder.
  3. You will receive a ZOOM link for your appointment on the day of your appointment from  If you would like a phone consult, please clearly state that.
  4. Read Individual Programs to familiarize yourself with my work, the process, and the cost.
  5. If you need to cancel and reschedule, please do so 24 hrs. prior to your appointment. In the case you don't show up for your scheduled appointment, I am happy to schedule you again in 3 months. 
  6. If you are not yet fully committed to bettering your health, then I recommend that you wait to schdule till you are to make room for those who are ready now