Online Care
Are you struggling with multiple symptoms and diagnosis?
Are you on many medications and exhausted the Allopathic route?
Do you feel an inkling that there may be another way?
Would you like to look at the state of your health from a bigger perspective, understand the interrelatedness of all the diagnosis and would like more insight so you may consider other holistic approaches to create better health?
Then I highly recommend that you get Ayurvedic Perspective on your health condition once and for all.
Second Opinion Consultation - 90 Minutes, US$250
!. Make the payment - button below
2.Fill in this Client Info Form
3. Schedule 90 minutes Here
Please note
- Allow 24 hours to cancel/reschedule your appointment to avoid being charged.
- You will be emailed a zoom link for all your appointments. Please join on time, I will end the session after 15 minutes of waiting unless I am notified otherwise.