Meena's Musings

Cranberry, Black Pepper, Cashew Rice – Book Blog


This recipe is from my niece. It is great for
gatherings, and holidays, as it has a sweet,
spicy and nutty taste.
• Preparation time: 20 minutes
• Serves 4



1 cup rice, ½ cup cranberries,  1 cinnamon stick,  2 bay leaves, 6 pods green cardamom, ½ teaspoon cumin seeds,
½ teaspoon cumin seeds, 1 teaspoon, salt, ¼ cup whole peppercorns, 2 tablespoons ghee ( or substitute with butter)

Medium bowl, medium frying pan, flat spatula, small frying pan

1. Soak rice in bowl with double the amount of room-temperature water for 10 minutes.
2. Heat ghee in medium pan for a few seconds; add cinnamon stick, bay leaves, cardamom,
and cumin seeds.
3. Sauté for 15-20 seconds.
4. Drain the rice then rinse until clear; drain again, then add rice to pan.
5. Use a flat spatula to stir the rice and the spices, taking care not to break the rice.
6. Add 2 cups water, the cranberries and peppercorn.
7. Turn heat to low and cook for 10 minutes.
8. In a separate pan, dry roast the cashews. Add cashews to the rice and mix.

Food is life-giving and it is a celebration of life. May we cook together, eat together, laugh, rejoice and
share stories over good food. May no one go hungry! May this simple need and pleasure be bestowed
upon all human beings! May there be enough in our pantry, our fridge and our kitchen and may the
kettle be always on. May our doors and, most importantly, our hearts, always be open to share this
blessing with all!
