Meena's Musings

Welcome the New Year by Letting Go!


The whole of human life is a process of letting go.  As children, we let go of old friends to make room for new ones,  let go of our parent’s homes to make our own mark in the world.  We let go of old for the sake of the new, we let go of our needs for the sake of the family’s, let go of our children so they too can make their mark in the world.  As the letting go in our youth seemingly leads to expansion of our outer world (creating a family, home and all the material comforts of the world), the letting go in our later years leads to expansion of our inner world, if we let it.  We go full circle and end up where we started.  We may go back to what used to inspire us, invest in our growth, rediscover ourselves, or redefine our purpose. All of this prepares us for the ultimate letting go, letting go of our body and returning to the Source.

There is a flow to life; to resist that flow is to cause suffering but to dive in the flow is to gain momentum in finding our truth. A letting go that makes us more of who we are;  one that brings ease and lightens the load is a good letting go.

Here are the 5 key points to ease the process:

  1. Shift Your Perspective

Letting go is painful when our focus is on what we are giving up. However, when we shift the focus on what we are getting or where we are headed can give us that much needed relief.  It is better to focus on where we are going instead of where we have been.  We can choose how we see the process.  If we keep our eyes focused on the rose that has just bloomed instead of the bud that it was before, we enjoy the flower. The truth of the rose lies in its bloom and the fragrance it shares.  In the same way, our essence/truth is in our deeper Self, our inner Self.  Every experience that takes us closer to our true Self is a good experience.  Life is an evergreen rose bush, new roses continue to bloom.

  1. Be In The Moment

We are usually frightened after or in anticipation of what will happen but very rarely in the moment. As we master staying in the moment, we are continuously letting go of the moment past and are not anticipating the next. So we can begin to let all our life become one big letting go experience.

  1. Be Quick and Adaptable

By not reacting, we can turn any situation around and create an exhilarating victory for ourselves.   This all comes from developing and culturing our nervous system through self care, self investment and meditation practices.

  1. Be Vulnerable

This is our ultimate strength and defense as it brings lightness, freedom, flow and happiness. Allow yourself to feel what you feel.  Let go of clutter, grudges, limiting beliefs ,  and notice how you feel.  Become empty of all that is weighing you down and get full again with what you consciously choose.  Realize that you do not have to do it all and figure it all out! Why would you impose on your soul to figure out the why of others?  Think of letting go as the ultimate act of self-love.  You are only responsible for your actions. Do what you know to do.  Create boundaries, cut the emotional cords, and invest time in unlocking the treasure that lies within you.  That is when the answers will come.

  1. Recognize the Process

Realize that resistance is not the final picture, It means you are not there YET, yet being the operative word and the process is underway.   The resistance does not have to mean anything other than that it is natural, it is movement, and it is superficial and transient.

The human purpose is evolution as it paves the road to our next life. Letting go is not giving up, it is becoming more of who we are.  It is not emptying, it is approaching our true Self which is fulfilling.

What we let go becomes part of ourselves, strengthening and carving us into our true Self, much like the leaves; when fallen become part of the tree strengthening its roots and sustaining if for years to come. It is a beautiful process that continuously fills the gaps and comes back to us multifold.
