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The Healing Community

I Dream of a Different World A famous quote from prosperity expert Napoleon Hill says, “What the mind of man can conceive and believe, the mind of man can achieve.” The point is that all changes begin with a thought or a dream. In that sense, no dreams are too lofty! As I come close to finishing this book,…

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The One Flow Of Love – Happy Valentine’s Day 2022

What is Love? Love is the most elusive, most used and most wanted word, or rather feeling. We wait for it; to be in Love, to be loved, to feel love.  We chase it and seldom experience it. Again, it’s a matter of changing direction.  The direction to go find it is inwards. Love is…

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I Dream of a Different World

This work is very personal to me.  There is very little, if any, I say that I don’t live or practice.  There is very little that I haven’t experienced just like you; fear and anxiety, traumas and tragedies, heartaches and losses.  Every experience took me closer to who I am today and where I am…

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How Long Does Healing Take?

The secret of healing is the same as the secret of all success:  What you think is what you get.  If you expect that healing will be long, difficult or impossible, it will be.  If you expect it to be quick, easy and available, it will be. “Think you can or think you can’t and either…

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Few Words on Gratitude

Offering gratitude is not feeling thankful only if someone does us a favor or sending thank you notes, it is about cultivating an ability to open ourselves enough that we can find something positive regardless of what we experience.  This ability to change our perspective, to be positive, is central to our psychological and emotional…

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Beliefs and Relationships – What’s the Link? Read Amy’s Story

Married with adult children, Amy always felt that her husband Phil was going to abandon her even when he assured her repeatedly, at least on the surface. But he was never totally present in the marriage. No amount of therapy brought any long lasting results. Amy experienced abandonment by both her mother and father in…

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My Top 7 Blogs

Welcome to this page! Ayurveda is a vast Science and art of living a fulfilled and radiant life.  From nutrition to lifestyle changes, from meditations to energy healing, from herbal medicine to healing past energies, from resolving conflicts to healing trauma, Ayurveda offers a sea of wisdom, ancinet teachings and practical solutions.  Hope these articles…

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My Path to Ayurveda

I hold the belief that each being is a hero in their own life overcoming adversity, day to day challenges and conflicts invisible and unknown to the outside world. Whether we are able to rise above our circumstances or not, to endure the experiences of our soul’s journey is no small feat. Not all accomplishments…

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The 6A Technique for Healing

What is Healing? Healing is our journey to Wholeness.  According to Wikipedia,  healing is the process of restoration from an unbalanced, diseased and damaged or unvitalized organism. Healing is a process and direction is more important than the speed.  Regardless of which stage we are in, we are moving in the direction of healing. Being…

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FAQ – Ayurvedic Medicine

I like to address some of the common questions/concerns for those new to Ayurveda Are Ayurvedic Doctors Real? This is a misleading question and here is why. Real suggests that everyone else who does not fit our “Doctor” definition is fake. All health care practitioners are real; you may not believe in certain aspects of…

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